Just a wee update:
Another wkd with scottish cycling. More battles to overcome. I was very glad to make it through though after a rough time with illness. (I spent a week on the sofa hardly eating anything after the last session. So i have been very tired and have lost a lot of the strength i had been building over the winter. While i am stressing a bit about getting it back, it has also taught me a lot). On saturday, we had a physiology workshop which included the hardest 30mins of my life!! We did a Functional Threshold test to check our H/R over 30mins - keeping a constant yet hard pace! I nearly fell off at the end, but it was very interesting to see my results for it, and it showed clear progress for me from the start of the winter (even with my many setbacks with broken bones and illness ect)...so things are definitely starting to look up!
On the Sunday, we were out on the road for 2.5 hours! This included an Individual time trial. Which was great! Living in the north has helped me adapt well to timed events and i love pushing myself to the limit, just me and the clock! Suprisingly I had really good legs for it and i managed to hold off the seniors who were chasing me, while getting a decent time!
With the track being our last session of the wkd, on Sunday afternoon, i was really starting to flag. I've been seriously struggling with back to back days since my illness, and with it being such a hard wkd, my body was struggling to handle the entire haul. I managed an ok time in the indivdual pursuit before we moved on and did team pursuit and points racing. Fatigue had set in for the rest of the day so their were no real good performances from me on the track but hey i still had an awesome time and loved every second of it while learning from it 110%! So i'm keeping my head up and keeping moving forward, hopefully have my strength back for the next one and have all these set backs out the way! Can't wait :)
Thanks for reading! :-)